
剧情片 法国 / 比利时 / 美国2017







1.Garrett:She's a thief. 2.Devin:The bump is important,but the misdirection of the traget is the key.让目标方向错误才是关键.Get them thinking about one thing before you bump them.Like,say,"Excuse me,do you have the time?" Andrew:Get someone to fall in love with you,steal their stuff,and leave while they're asleep. 3.Andrew:The road was blocked. Garrett:Which is why you should have done the riviera run. Andrew:What,did you just make that up? G:Yup.It's catchy. Devin:What's that? G:Riviera run?So you're holding the throttel while amshing the break at the same time.同时踩住油门和刹车.It's not as easy as it sounds,okay?Too much pressure and the engine stalls.踩太重引擎会停转.Too little and you lose the speed.踩太轻没有速度.And the when you let it go,pfu...(波纹式手势).Riviera run.波纹跑法. 4.Garrett:Yeah?Only if you give me my phone back first. Devin:It's not gonna ring.

5.Garrett:The sooner you start to realize that,the sooner we can just get on with it. 6.Andrew:The best way to steal from a thief is to lure him away from the stash.就是把他引开. 7.moriette:他家都冒烟了. 8.这就是为什么要走弯道的原因,永远向右行.直道不是你的道.弯道才是你的道.

9.Garret:The riviera run.里维耶拉式跑法. 10.Garret:A wise man once told me. Garret With Andrew:"if you look around and can't see who the mark is,then it's you."